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Stock Photo #1959: keywords -  above alone arm arms carefree carolina cute embrace explore expression field flax flower free freedom gesture gestured gestures gesturing girl graceful happy horz in kid kids nature north outdoor overhead people person pretty quiet reach reached reaches reaching released secure security skyward skywards smile solitude spirit spirited spring summer up upward upwards

N126.06W21.JPG -  released girl reaching skyward in flax flower field North Carolina
To order this photo contact Gibson Stock Photography.
Mark or Audra Gibson

Gibson Stock Photography specialists in stock photos of North American people, cities, agriculture, architecture, historic sites, industry and technology, natural resources, national parks, sports and recreation, transportation and energy, aerials, and travel destinations.

Words used to describe this picture: stock photo photos photography above alone arm arms carefree carolina cute embrace explore expression field flax flower free freedom gesture gestured gestures gesturing girl graceful happy horz in kid kids nature north outdoor overhead people person pretty quiet reach reached reaches reaching released secure security skyward skywards smile solitude spirit spirited spring summer up upward upwards stock photo photos photography